Art. PG45220100
Public space
10 Goods
8 Goods
5 Goods
0 Goods
0 Goods
24 Goods
8 Goods
5 Goods
0 Goods
1 Goods
11 Goods
5 Goods
5 Goods
20 Goods
3 Goods
3 Goods
20 Goods
2 Goods
3 Goods
4 Goods
7 Goods
6 Goods
3 Goods
2 Goods
1 Goods
6 Goods
1 Goods
2 Goods
6 Goods
10 Goods
4 Goods
2 Goods
2 Goods
4 Goods
4 Goods
6 Goods
1 Goods
4 Goods
4 Goods
10 Goods
8 Goods
3 Goods
13 Goods
3 Goods
12 Goods
2 Goods
2 Goods
0 Goods
15 Goods
Art. PG44225100
Art. OTC04912020
Art. OTC04912030
Art. OTC04912000
Art. ОТС04810015
Art. ОТС04810000
Art. ОТС 04810010
Art. ОТС01810000
Art. ОТС01110000
Art. ОТС12110000
Art. PG408074080
Art. PG40730305
Art. PG 402025740
Art. PG 60500СБ
Art. PG 40750140
Art. OSC07120955
Art. OSC07120970.50
Art. OSC07120050.10
Art. НСК01-000.000
Art. PG50177720
Art. PG 602618130
Art. PG 5012560700
Art. PG501770700
Art. PG501771710
Art. PG 5012560700
Art. OSC7614000
Art. PS100700
Art. НТ001
Art. PG602015340
Art. ONC00320000
Art. ONC 00115000

Punto Design is a leading Russian manufacturer of urban furniture, the main activity of which is the development and production of outdoor furniture, navigation media for parks and cities, facade systems, sculptures, etc.
Urban furniture includes outdoor benches and benches for rest, tables, armchairs, chaise lounges, gazebos, urns, sculptures, flowerpots, bicycle parking, decorative panels, retaining walls and pylons that complement the main buildings of the city.
Urban furniture along with landscaping. In this regard, it is important to choose a stylish solution for the interior decoration of an open space that meets its architectural, compositional and artistic laws.

The most important point when choosing urban furniture is its reliability and safety. Punto Design outdoor furniture from a Russian manufacturer is made of high-quality and safe materials: special coatings and stable structures for a comfortable and safe stay.
Urban furniture is not intended only for arranging a city park or public garden. Outdoor furniture from Punto Design is versatile: you can place it in the courtyard of a private house or summer cottage.
Due to its wide functionality, the highest quality materials, the possibility of choosing individual dimensions and design solutions, Punto Design urban furniture creates new series of outdoor furniture and equips cities throughout Russia.